Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Quick Print

Quick print sample(AP)

I used a process called quick print and drawings from my life drawing to create my print. Using three colours, I create a background using a piece of polystyrene I painted a red square to use as a backdrop, and also it reflects on other colours. I included some collage using pieces of paper from a road map to make it more artistic. I then made a yellow line to indicate where shadow will be from the print of the woman. In the first print on the right side I have brought out the detail of her belly to give a contrast between the other prints, which will be on the left side. I focused on just a dark negative print showing no detail at all, but also shows positive and negative prints. This print was going to be my artist proof, but it can be used in my portfolio or as a final piece of work. During the process I pressed ink onto the edge of my paper and ruined the edges, but I still decided to use it as a final piece of work. 

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