Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Coil Building Vase

Copper Oxide 

This is the final coil-building piece with a Manganese Oxide blended into the coils and shell thumbnails. I left some areas darker to represent tone and shadow and to make it more of an authentic piece. What I like about using this oxide is that it shows the lines and detail I want to see and also brings out the detail of my shells on the side of the vase. I am in the process of glazing the shells to make them cleaner and to stand out more. There was trouble getting in to the cracks and hoops to place the oxide on so that they show up when fired again. There are some parts I had trouble getting into, but I used a small paintbrush cover the white parts left. During the firing the loop at the top of the vase came of and is ready to be glued back on when the last firing is done. 
This vase looks old and vintage, which is the impression I want to give to other viewers, and it looks different to what other people have done. What I don't like about my coil building is that the two bottom coils collapsed before they were fired, but overall I enjoyed designing and making this piece. 

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