Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Exhibition (FMP)

These are photos of my final Exhibition which went well and the work was to a good standard. My ceramic tags went really well with my blue tags which was my first attempt, but still was good enough at my exhibition. My boards show each day I was in Paris from start to finish and what I did on those days. I focused on days when I was out in Paris and how I was going to make it flow in my end of year show. Each day is to represent places thatvi had visited on that particular day and how I got there and what it was like. The letters that I made show where I went and what I did. I also made coins to show many of the place I had been and my most favourite place was the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

Porcelain tags

These tags are just some of my final pieces made for my Exhibition. They have been oxided with Copper oxide and then fired to give it its burnish look. I have engraved the places I visited into the surface of my tags, just like my Metro tickets. What I like about these pieces is that they are small and work together as a final outcome, as you can see in my exhibition. I've placed a string through my tags to make them look more creative and proffetional for my end of year show.

Metro system prints

These prints of my Metro system are the main part of my development and giving me ideas for my end of year show. In these drawings I have used different colours to show different places/tourist attractions that I have visited. Some of the colours I have used have been runned into the next colours and this shows that I have been on this line more than once. I mixed around with different colours to see which one would be best to use, and the triptych was the best one that linked well with my theme. The colours are more positive and show a high level of strength to the drawings.

Ceramic tags

After my first attempt at my Metro tickets, I decided to make tags out of porcelain because its a better quality for my tags. Still sticking with the idea of Paris, I engraved my drawings into the clay according to what day I visited that place. What I like about my tags is how they are all different in each way and they relate back to my Cultural visit. My idea was to have them hanging on the wall in my Exhibition, so I made small holes to thread through pieces of string. The curled up edges gave a old and warn out look to them and that is what I needed to show when they are finished.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Metro ceramic tickets

My cultral visit was a starting point for my project and helped me to develop and create my outcomes, based on Paris. I started to create a series of tags made out of white clay, based on the places I visited. Using a cobalt blue oxide I  placed some parts of it in certain areas. I tried to use my theme of the Metro in every piece I make. These are just some of my tester pieces that I have made.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Homage Project Evaluation

 Throughout this project I found that I had lots of ideas and inspiration which would help me in my homage project. When I decided I wanted to do bus tickets, I looked at how they made me feel and behave, by the prices and how long it takes. The bus tickets were used as a template for my ceramic bus tickets before making, and then I putting some feelings down on what I thought of the bus service. I used letter stamps to push into the clay o reveal the words I wanted and also I ripped parts of my bus tickets to make them look old and ruined. This is to represent each day from Monday to Friday to show how old and how much I hate public transport. 
I made a Homage book out of envelopes to show my ideas and research and how I got to final idea of bus tickets. In my book I recorded and collected pieces of paper and tickets to help me in my Homage project. I also look at the journey from Cowbridge, my hometown to College in Bridgend. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Coil Building Vase

Copper Oxide 

This is the final coil-building piece with a Manganese Oxide blended into the coils and shell thumbnails. I left some areas darker to represent tone and shadow and to make it more of an authentic piece. What I like about using this oxide is that it shows the lines and detail I want to see and also brings out the detail of my shells on the side of the vase. I am in the process of glazing the shells to make them cleaner and to stand out more. There was trouble getting in to the cracks and hoops to place the oxide on so that they show up when fired again. There are some parts I had trouble getting into, but I used a small paintbrush cover the white parts left. During the firing the loop at the top of the vase came of and is ready to be glued back on when the last firing is done. 
This vase looks old and vintage, which is the impression I want to give to other viewers, and it looks different to what other people have done. What I don't like about my coil building is that the two bottom coils collapsed before they were fired, but overall I enjoyed designing and making this piece.